Why arrays don't set on void Start() ?

So I have problem, my arrays don’t set on spot.

public static int currentHealth;
	public static int currentXP;
	public static int currentLevel;
	public static int currentAttack;
	public static int currentDefense;
	public static int maxHealth;
	public static int currentMana;
	public static int maxMana;
	public static int[] needXPForLevel;
	public static int[] defenseOnLevel;
	public static int[] hpOnLevel;
	public static int[] attackOnLevel;
	public static int[] manaOnLevel;
	public static bool set;

	//Don't destroy:
	private static bool created = false;
	void Start () {
		if (!created) {
			GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad (transform.gameObject);
			created = true;
		} else {
			Destroy (gameObject);

I have this class with variables and when i’m setting them from another class, they don’t set on spot.

void Start () {
		Save.needXPForLevel = needXPForLevel;
		Save.defenseOnLevel = defenseOnLevel;
		Save.hpOnLevel = hpOnLevel;
		Save.attackOnLevel = attackOnLevel;
		Save.manaOnLevel = manaOnLevel;

When i try to use those arrays I get error that they’re out of index.

expText.text = "" + Mathf.Floor (((float)Save.currentXP / Save.needXPForLevel [Save.currentLevel + 1]) * 100) + "%";

Well, i tried to fix that, and it fixed it:

if (Save.needXPForLevel.Length == 0) {
			Save.needXPForLevel = needXPForLevel;
			Save.defenseOnLevel = defenseOnLevel;
			Save.hpOnLevel = hpOnLevel;
			Save.attackOnLevel = attackOnLevel;
			Save.manaOnLevel = manaOnLevel;
expText.text = "" + Mathf.Floor (((float)Save.currentXP / Save.needXPForLevel [Save.currentLevel + 1]) * 100) + "%"; //No error this time

So i have question, why my arrays doesn’t set on start ?

It fixed it when i used void Awake() function.