Why can i not make transform.rotation to a vector 3 varieble?

why does this not work? how do i fix it?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class BulletPosScript : MonoBehaviour

    Vector3 rotation;
    public GameObject AssultRifle;
    void Start()

    void Update()

        rotation = new Vector3(AssultRifle.transform.rotation.x, AssultRifle.transform.rotation.y + 90, AssultRifle.transform.rotation.z);
        transform.rotation = rotation;


Transform.rotation is a Quaternion, not a Vector3: Unity - Scripting API: Transform.rotation

Your compile error is probably telling you this!

Maybe you want transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);

It is always enlightening to go visit the documentation page for what you’re having trouble with.

Here are some other notes on the error you’re probably seeing:

Some help to fix “Cannot implicitly convert type ‘Xxxxx’ into ‘Yyyy’:”


If you want to set a Vector3 (euler) rotation, you will need to use eulerAngles or localEulerAngles instead of rotation/localRotation.

using UnityEngine;

public class BulletPosScript : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject AssultRifle;
    Vector3 rotation;

    void Update()
        rotation              = AssaultRifle.transform.eulerAngles + new Vector3(0, 90, 0);
        transform.eulerAngles = rotation;

It’s all very confusing. The Inspector shows rotation as x,y, and z degrees, but it’s LYING. As PraeterBlue notes, rotations are actually 4 incomprehensible numbers called a “Quaternion”. Everyone (games, real stuff) uses them now since they’re better at smoothy rotating between any angles. And by incomprehensible, I don’t mean cosins and sins – they’re way worse than that.

transform.rotation=Quaterion.Euler(x,y,z) works since it turns your x,y,z degrees into a proper rotation (a quaternion). If you mouse over transform.rotation, it even says “quaternion”.

The extra weird thing is that it turns the quaternion back into x,y,z degrees for the Inspector, which may be different than you used. If you had rotation=Quaternion.Euler(270,0,190) Unity may decide that (-90,0,190) looks better in the Inspector. Even worse, they may be a 3rd set of values in your code. Your program can translate a rotation into x,y,z degrees with Vector3 xyz=transform.rotation.eulerAngles. That’s actually a function call. It might give you (-90,0,-170), which is the same angle, but it thought 190 looked nicer as -170 this time.

The end result is you can “input” x,y,z degrees into a rotation just fine, but you can’t read them back (except for debugging) since they can jump around.

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