Why can't assign a value to a member variable inside a co-routine? (SOLVED)

Hi there,

I have a member variable ‘rotSpeed’ which I’m trying to assign a value to in a co-routine (before the while loop). This however seems to have no effect. Any ideas why? Perhaps I’m missing something simple.

Here’s my code (See lines 9 and 87):

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour {

    Transform arrow;
    public float rotSpeed = 20f // THIS MEMBER VARIABLE
    public float boostLerpTime = 1;
    public float boostFactor = 2;
    bool rotatingRight = true;

    public bool RotatingRight
            return rotatingRight;

            rotatingRight = value;

    void Awake () {

        arrow = transform.FindChild("Arrow");
        if (arrow == null)
            Debug.LogError(arrow + "object is null");


    void Update () {



    public void RotInputTrigger(bool RightSwipe)
        if (RightSwipe && RotatingRight)
            Debug.Log("Boost Right!");
        else if (!RightSwipe && !RotatingRight)
            Debug.Log("Boost Left!");
        else if (RightSwipe && !RotatingRight)
            rotatingRight = true;
        else if (!RightSwipe && RotatingRight)
            rotatingRight = false;

    void RotateArrow()
        if (RotatingRight)
            arrow.Rotate(-transform.forward * rotSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            arrow.Rotate(transform.forward * rotSpeed * Time.deltaTime);


    IEnumerator ArrowSpeedBoost()
        float perc = 0;
        float currentLerpTime = 0;
        float initialRotSpeed = rotSpeed;
        float boostedSpeed = rotSpeed * boostFactor;
        rotSpeed = boostedSpeed; // This line seems to have no effect.

        while (currentLerpTime < boostLerpTime)
            currentLerpTime += Time.deltaTime;
            perc = boostLerpTime / currentLerpTime;

            rotSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(boostedSpeed, initialRotSpeed, perc);

            yield return null;

Problem is line 93 - incorrect arithmetic