Why can't I look up and down in my game mode in Unity 5

Not the Right answer: “To solve your issue, you want to find the character controller in the hierarchy, click on the expand/collapse arrow beside it, select “Main Camera”, and under the script “Mouse Look”, there will be two variables (Minimum Y and Maximum Y). Set them both to 0.”

For Starters when I look at the “mouse look” option it is only showing me Minumum X and Maximum X. No Y is listed under any option except sensitivity! There’s no Y to even be sensitive~"

The issue started when I built the terrain and ran it. That’s when I first noticed that I couldn’t look up or down. I thought it was weird because the Y mouse look was working in my workspace preview before I tried running it. To my great dismay I found that after building and running the build, even my in progress game preview can’t look up or down. I’m totally stumped. Don’t know what to do. Any ideas?

If you have a second camera that is not in use delete it like if you start a new scene and you have the main camera still there while you add a FirstPerson Controller it will give you this issue just delete the main camera and it will work.


This answer solved my problem.

Another suggestion for those still having a problem is changing “Target Eye” property to “None(Main Display)” in Camera in Standard Asset’s FPS Controller prefab. If you have a VR camera in your scene this will fix the problem.

This answer is for Unity 2021.1.1, after they changed Standard Assets to Starter Assets and have had issues with the camera looking vertically on the first person controller. Hopefully the next person who comes across this issue can find a quick solution here. Make sure of the following:

  • No other cameras in scene/cameras tagged MainCamera
  • In first person controller prefab PlayerCapsule, under PlayerCameraRoot add component camera to this gameobject

These are the 2 things that got this to work for me.