Why can't I see a "to json data" option?

I expected to see a “to json data” option under the “Edit Script” option when I clicked the three-dot button.

But it doesn’t show:( what is the problem and how can i make “to json data” option appear?
(I didn’t install json.net Newtonsoft btw)

There’s no such context menu option by default. Is there something meant to be adding it?

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I needed the "to json data"option to create a json file of the script. I followed instructions from this video:(in case you want to know)

Now that i know the option isn’t default, I should try something else to create a json file and store changes in the running game even after I exit unity.

The “To Json Data” ContextMenu is there in the video because the video has a method marked with [ContextMenu(“To Json Data”)]. You’ll have to recreate that if you want the same functionality.

Thanks, it worked for me.