Why can't I see my editor?

I opened my scene and project but my editor does not work. Ive tried all the “hitting F” and changing the layer stuff but nothing has worked. And im freaking out because I put a lot of work into it. The weird part is that the cameras are still in the editor and the 3D text is still in the editor but nothing else. Can anyone help?

Actually I think I have narrowed it down to something wrong with my assets folder, library folder, and the placement of the scene itself.

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In such cases (esp. with such a week description) it would help to see a screenshot. Maybe you closed all the tabs / windows? Take a look into the window menu.

Furthermore are you sure you opened the correct scene?


Well your project has at least two scenes: “main menu” and “driving scene”. What exactly are you missing? The scene doesn’t contain many objects…

What exactly have you done to your library folder? When you do any manual changes on this folder it can break all assets because it will destroy the references between your objects.

Also NEVER move files around outside of Unity. If you have used assets in a scene or prefab and you move the model file manually, outside of Unity into a different folder Unity can’t track these changes. Unity will recognise that the old asset is missing and there’s a new one at the place where you moved your file. If you want to sort your assets, move them in Unity exclusively!