Why can't Unity have a "Add MMO support" button?

As we all know, there is huge demand of MMO in the market. Why can’t Unity have a button or something to add MMO feature. I mean… the editor of Goat Simulator has it. It’s simple.


I believe they did have the button, however it was pulled in 5.0 as no one used it. They replaced it with the mute editor button.

Here is the post from a Unity Technologies employee to prove it.


Unreal has an mmo button. You just change the number of players in your game and then when you run it, surprise multiplayer support.

I like the way they handle it. As much as I enjoy occasionally reinventing the wheel and making things work ‘good enough’, I would prefer an easier way to do things for networking. Marking objects to be network-aware was the most painless multiplayer experience I ever had. It’s also the only success I’ve had trying to make something multiplayer.

Hopefully that multiplayer upgrade that was mentioned during the hype of 5.0 will surface at some point. It’s been almost a year since this announcement, but I’m hopeful it’ll arrive before I turn on C# to go play with C++. After cs280 I’m a little more confident in my C++ :smile:

Sadly they had to remove it to make room for the ‘Make zombie survival game’ buttons, and the ‘indie pixel art rougelike’ button