Why changing vertices of a mesh is so slow?

I have a prefab that has a mesh ,the mesh has 100 vertices ,I use this code to change vertices position,but its super slow !!!
(there are 500 clones of this prefab in the scene)

using UnityEngine;
 public class Test : MonoBehaviour
public Mesh m;
public Vector3[] MyVertices;
void Update()
    for (int a=0;a< MyVertices.Length;)
        MyVertices[a] = new Vector3(MyVertices[a].x+0.0001f, MyVertices[a].y + 0.0001f, MyVertices[a].z + 0.0001f);
    m.vertices = MyVertices;

when I move the prefab with transform its fast but changing vertices is like 100 times slower, how can I speed up it?
I just want to change position of vertices but when I do this its just like creating a new mesh !!!

What your code does is processing vertices with CPU.
When you change position using transform.position, CPU does not change position for every vertices. Instead, cpu calculate the world matrix for the gameobject and the final position is calculated by shader in GPU.
GPU is much faster in processing large mount of vertices because it is designed to do so.

You should better learn something about rendering pipeline.