Why Cinemachine confiner works with Dead zone instead of camera bounds?

I watched a tutorial about cinemachine and faced a problem with confiner. As you can see at the screenshot, cinemachine thinks that the bound is the dead zone of virtual camera instead of real bounds. I’ve checked the forums and made sure I set all the settings as it was said:

  • I created an object which represents scene bounds with polygon collider in trigger mode.
  • I made Z-coordinates of this object and camera’s equal (-10).
  • I gave this object to confiner.

But it still doesn’t work. Tutorial was made in last year and probably something changed. I use cinemachine 2.2.8

You need to set your camera projection to Orthographic, then the confiner will give you the option to confine screen edges. With Perspective projection, the vcam is only restricted to having its position be inside the confining shape.

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