Why does duplicating objects change the name of the object in Unity 5 beta 13?

Previously duplicating an object kept the same name. In the newer beta of Unity 5 the name changes from eg. box_01 to box_02 etc. which is really annoying if you have prefabs that you want to have the same name.

Let’s say I have a wall with a brown door called wall_door_01 and another one with a green door called wall_door_02. If I duplicate the wall_door_01 it will change to wall_door_02 which is not at all what I want.

Is there any way to turn off this behaviour?

Not sure if there’s a way to turn it off, but it’s generally not recommended to refer to objects by name anyway. If you have many instances of the same prefab then assign them a tag and use GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag

Highlight them all in the hierarchy and change their name in the inspector–BOOM!