I have been having a problem with the code for the camera script in the Car Tutorial. It was telling me I had to add semicolons that were already there. I eventually fixed that problem and the Compiler errors at the bottom went away. So my camera script is perfect but when I try to enter play mode, it says, “All compiler errors must be fixed before you can enter play mode!” But I already fixed the problems and there aren’t any errors to be fixed.
You need to be a lot more careful about accuracy when you’re coding. Just from a quick glance at the above code:
var height float = 1.4;
should be var height : float = 1.4;
var wantedAngel
should be var wantedAngle
should be eulerAngles.y;
should also be eulerAngles.y;
var myAngel
should be var myAngle
should be wantedHeight