I was using Json to load text from different languages on my game.
It worked on the Editor.
I built an APK, installed it on my phone and nothing happens.
The game didn’t crash, it just don’t load the json.
I worked it around.
Instead of having a Json file, then loading it, then parsing it to my object, I made it directly on an object, and when I change the language I just change the object.
No hard feelings.
But WHY JsonUtility doesn’t work on Android? Is it because of StreamingAssets folder? Is it possible to build an APK with a JSON in it?
is the class I used to parse the Json. It is just a bunch of public strings, no functions at all.
Below is the code that works on Editor, but not on Android:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
public class LanguagePack : MonoBehaviour {
public TextAsset txt;
string lang; //language string, (en, jp, de...)
void Start(){
DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);
lang = GetCurLang ();
txt = loadJson ();
public string GetCurLang(){
return PlayerPrefs.GetString ("curLang");
public void SetCurLang(string l){
loadComplete = false;
Debug.Log ("Language changed to " + l);
PlayerPrefs.SetString ("curLang", l);
lang = l;
txt = loadJson ();
public TextAsset loadJson(){
string dataFileName = lang + ".json";
//string dataFileName = "pt-br.json";
string filePath = Path.Combine (Application.streamingAssetsPath, dataFileName);
string jsonData = File.ReadAllText (filePath);
TextAsset loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson<TextAsset> (jsonData);
loadComplete = true;
return loadedData;
} else {
Debug.LogError ("JSON not found");
return null;
P.S.: I lied about my feelings.