Why does lightmapping make my floor super bright?

It’s a dark dungeon with only light from the flames on the wall (dark, within 2 units it’s black). But when I include the floor in the lightmap, it ends up super bright. The shots show with and without lightmapping.


light maps only bake with static lights as well… so any non static lights are not taken into account with the overall lighting

so either make ALL your lights static and then bake your map or you have to make sure your non static lights are only there for the sake of being pretty and are turned WAY WAY WAY down or they’ll pretty much double the effective light in the scene

The light from the sources is not being shadowed by anything, I had a similar problem where my lights were directly casting on a floor and making it very bright.

You could reduce the intensity of your lights when baking, also try using unity’s non-legacy diffuse shader, I don’t know if there is a reason for you using the legacy shader.