Why does my capsule w/ character controller interact with rigid bodies?

I’m new to Unity and I saw in a video that it said that Character Controllers don’t have physics in that they don’t “interact” with rigid bodies, however when I move the capsule around or use transform.translate to move the capsule around it pushes around a cube that I’ve created. I was under the impression that character controllers don’t push around rigid bodies unless you program them. I hoped I explained that properly.

It’s not that it doesn’t interact with rigidbodies, it’s that the script itself isn’t meant for use on characters that have rigidbodies, as it doesn’t use the right methods for moving a rigidbody. To elaborate further, since your character has a collider on it, then other objects in the scene which also have colliders AND a rigidbody, will be seeing your character as a collision surface to interact with.

If you don’t want this to happen, then keep your player in one type of layer, and your rigidbody enabled objects in another. Then go to Edit>Project Settings>Physics, and uncheck your Player layer’s collision with that other layer.