Why does my character fly upwards when I click play?

I little while ago, I was trying to make a new game. After I had finished up the basics of the terrain, I wanted to see what it would look like in the eyes of a player. I created the capsule and added all the needed components for a character to be controlled/moved. After I script how I hide my mouse when played, I pressed the play button at the top of the screen. After that, the character simply just flew upwards really quickly, faster than the map could render. Ever since then I couldn’t create anything, and I don’t want to update to Unity 5. I simply need a solution just so I can get back to creating my game.

Thank you, if you answered.

Is your character below or in the ground/terrain? Have you tried to apply your script to another object to see if it affects other objects? Disable all scripts and see if you get the same result- if that is the case then rigidbodies is the problem, else your script is the problem.

Also you can double check you don’t have extra colliders or rigidbodies to your character, sometimes that can create this effect.