Why does my CharacterController Immediately Drop When Falling from an Object?


I’m currently building a basic FPS, and I’m coming across a very peculiar problem.

I have found a way to make my player (built with the CharacterController) jump up and down and it works really well and everything, but I seem to come across a problem when I drop down from an object, such as a building. I can jump up and down with no problem from the building, but when I just drop down without jumping, my CharacterController just immediately falls down really fast.

Here’s my Controller.cs code (used for moving the player):

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Controller : MonoBehaviour {

	public float moveSpeed;
	public float mouseSpeed;
	private float lastMouseSpeed;

	public Camera playerCamera;
	public CharacterController player;

	private float sprintSpeed;
	private float originalMoveSpeed;
	public static bool sprinting = false;

	public float jumpHeight;
	public bool jumping = false;
	private float verticalVelocity;

	/* Locks the cursor in place and gets the CharacterController for manipulation. */
	void Start() {
		if (player == null) player = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
		sprintSpeed = moveSpeed * 1.8f;
		originalMoveSpeed = moveSpeed;
		lastMouseSpeed = mouseSpeed;
		Screen.lockCursor = true;

	/* Enables player and NPC movement. */
	void Update() {
		// The key movements, (forward, backwards, side-to-side, etc).
		float forward = Input.GetAxis("Forward") * moveSpeed;
		float side = Input.GetAxis("Side") * moveSpeed;

		// The mouse movements.
        float rotationSide = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * mouseSpeed;
		float rotationForward = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * mouseSpeed;
		transform.Rotate(0, rotationSide, 0);
		playerCamera.transform.Rotate(-rotationForward, 0, 0);

		if (Input.GetButton("Sprint")) {
			sprinting = true;
			moveSpeed = sprintSpeed;
		} else {
			moveSpeed = originalMoveSpeed;
			sprinting = false;

		verticalVelocity += Physics.gravity.y * Time.deltaTime;

		if (player.isGrounded && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) {
			verticalVelocity = jumpHeight;
			jumping = true;
		} else {
			jumping = false;

		Vector3 movement = new Vector3(side, verticalVelocity, forward);

		// As long as the game isn't paused, move and whatnot.
		if (EscapeMenu.paused != true) {	
			movement = GetLookout() * movement;
			player.Move(movement * Time.deltaTime);

	/* Returns the rotation (the mouse look) for processing. */
	Quaternion GetLookout() {
		return transform.rotation;

	/* Returns the lastMouseSpeed. (Used for inventory and escape menu) */
	public float getLastMouseSpeed() {
		return lastMouseSpeed;

	/* Sets the mouse speed. (Potential for options) */
	public void setMouseSpeed(float passedMouseSpeed) {
		this.mouseSpeed = passedMouseSpeed;

Every update you are changing the verticalVelocity. So when you do not jump, the verticalVelocity is not reset and thus when you fall, depending on how long it has been since the last time you jumped, the verticalVelocity will be greater with more time or less with less time. Try only changing the verticalVelocity while falling and cap the verticalVelocity at a min/max so you don’t constantly pick up speed while falling.