why does my enemy instant spawn bullets

so i have a script and it looks like this:

var target : Transform; // The player
var safeDistance = 10; //How close the player can be
var Bullet : Rigidbody;
var Barrel : Transform;
var ShootDelay = 2;
function Update(){
//check how close the player is
var distanceToPlayer = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, target.transform.position);
// checks if player is still in safeDistance or otherwise it will call shoot function
if(distanceToPlayer <= safeDistance){
//this is the shoot function
function Shoot(){
        var rocketInstance : Rigidbody;
        rocketInstance = Instantiate(Bullet, Barrel.position, Barrel.rotation);
        rocketInstance.AddForce(Barrel.forward * 5000); 
        yield WaitForSeconds(ShootDelay);
// needs to wait for ShootDelay seconds and then do it again

but why is my enemy not waiting 2sec before firing again.

thanks for helping me

already fixed it by deleting the

yield WaitForSeconds(ShootDelay);

in line 24

and replacing just after


in line 14