so i have a script and it looks like this:
var target : Transform; // The player
var safeDistance = 10; //How close the player can be
var Bullet : Rigidbody;
var Barrel : Transform;
var ShootDelay = 2;
function Update(){
//check how close the player is
var distanceToPlayer = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, target.transform.position);
// checks if player is still in safeDistance or otherwise it will call shoot function
if(distanceToPlayer <= safeDistance){
//this is the shoot function
function Shoot(){
var rocketInstance : Rigidbody;
rocketInstance = Instantiate(Bullet, Barrel.position, Barrel.rotation);
rocketInstance.AddForce(Barrel.forward * 5000);
yield WaitForSeconds(ShootDelay);
// needs to wait for ShootDelay seconds and then do it again
but why is my enemy not waiting 2sec before firing again.
thanks for helping me