Why does my List of Waypoints contain null elements in a Unity mobile build, but works fine in the editor?

I’m working on a Unity project where I have a list of Waypoints objects that are populated in the Unity Editor using a custom script. The list is populated at design time and does not change at runtime. Everything works perfectly when I run the game in the Unity Editor, but when I build and run the game on a mobile device, the list contains the correct number of elements but all of them are null.

Here’s the code I’m using to populate the list:

public class EditorWaypointManager : MonoBehaviour
    public List<WaypointSettings> allWaypoints = new List<WaypointSettings>();
    public List<GenericIntersectionSettings> allIntersections = new List<GenericIntersectionSettings>();
    public List<TrafficLightsIntersectionSettings> allTrafficLightsIntersection = new List<TrafficLightsIntersectionSettings>();

    [ContextMenu("Add All Waypoints")]
    private void AddAllWaypoints()
       allWaypoints = FindObjectsOfType<WaypointSettings>().ToList();
       allIntersections = FindObjectsOfType<GenericIntersectionSettings>().ToList();
       allTrafficLightsIntersection = FindObjectsOfType<TrafficLightsIntersectionSettings>().ToList();

When I build the game for Android, I log the list, and it shows that there are 8071 elements, but every single element is null.

What could be causing this issue, and how can I fix it so that the waypoints are correctly referenced in the mobile build?

If the EditorWaypointManager is a prefab instance, you have to call PrefabUtility.RecordPrefabInstancePropertyModifications in addition to SetDirty.