Why does my OnTriggerEnter plays my animation?

Hi!! I am new to coding for my project and I encounter an issue. My scene is that players are able to use the keyboard or teleporters on the ground to move. While they enter different rooms, the room names are display on screen and disappears. This animation is attached onto a collider. But I have an animation in the room too. So when i enter the room, the name displays but when i click on the teleporter(it teleports the player) but also plays an animation that ISNT ATTACH TO IT.

When i go on play mode and click on the object the animation is attach to, it works fine. But when I click on the teleporters, THE ANIMATION PLAYS TOO!

So I think your problem is in the MolecularAnimation script.
in your update method you are playing an animation every time you click the mouse button. So even if one animation is playing your play “opened” animation everytime you click the mouse even if its not a a teleporter

     void Update()
         if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
             open = !open;
             if (open)
                 anim.SetBool("opened", true);
                 anim.SetBool("opened", false);