Why does my project get messed up when I update unity?

Good afternoon Unity users.

It seems that whenever a new version on unity releases, I go in to continue working on a game i’m designing, only to be greeted with so many new errors it’s almost easier just to start over.

Is there anyway to launch the unity engine in an older version, or a way around this? I’m not that amazing at programming so when this hits me I’m more like a deer in headlights than able to understand why i’m even getting errors now.


That actually happens quite rarely unless there’s a major version upgrade. Which version do you use (the old and the new)? Just make sure you don’t use the beta version (4.6.x or 5.x) those are still in beta and aren’t ment for production yet.

You can install almost any version of Unity from the archive

If you want any further help you should tell us your exact error.