Why does my script have a NullReferenceException?

This is the script that does not work: (I am sorry that I have so many questions but I keep coming into issues. Thankfully they have an easy fix.)

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ScoreManager : MonoBehaviour {

public static int score;

Text text; 

void start()
	text = GetComponent<Text> ();

	score = 0;

void Update()
	if (score < 0)
	score = 0;

	text.text = "" + score;

public static void AddPoints (int pointsToAdd) 
	score += pointsToAdd;

public static void Reset()
	score = 0;


a. what is the problem

b. how do I fix it?

Method names are case sensitive, so “start” is not the same as “Start”. Unity’s special method is “Start”, so simply fix your method name, otherwise it will not run, and so it will not store text, and so when you use text, it will give you a null ref :

void Start()
    text = GetComponent<Text> ();
    score = 0;