I just used unity for the first time and I was confused when I first used it, it couldn’t be rotated, the display when rotated couldn’t move at all even though I pressed the mouse or wasd button. Is my laptop not strong enough to play it? but the only thing that is stuck is the display, other things outside the player display can still be pressed and then there is a problem notification
[XRInputSubsystem] A device disconnection with the id 0 has been reported but no device with that id was connected.UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
. Why does this happen and how to fix it
What is your Project? This is Official Free Template or scene from Paid asset?
There are 2 Views in the Unity Editor: Game View and Scene View.
- Only in Scene View you can use WASD and RMB to manipulate the camera in Empty Scene.
- You can not manipulate such way in Empty Scene in Game View.
Discover Unity Learn > Pathways to start from scratch.
If you start with AR Template, learn XR Simulation to operate it in Editor.
I made a 3d augmented reality project. I saw a tutorial on youtube when it was played it went into the game view and I couldn’t play it at all
You provided too little information to help you.
- What is your AR Engine?
- If it’s AR Foundation, then what’s the version?
- What is the Unity Engine version?
- Which tutorial you saw?
XR Simulation (AR Foundation) provides Getting Started Tutorial.
You also had to indicate AR-Foundation, XR tags in the topic’s title.
Sorry if I give a little information, because I am still a beginner and still confused.
- Sorry, this is how to see it in which section?
- version 5.0.7
- version 2021
- I saw the playlist from youtube lightsandclockwork. (https://youtu.be/02YRwQsaFeg?si=34UNayxz7IAtVCJ6)
You provided the version of AR Foundation (AR Engine that uses ARCore and ARKit internally) that is suited to use with Unity 2021, but the Author of the Video uses Unity 2022 - this can be crucial in the tutorial process if you used AR Foundation 4, but you use v5, and all must be OK.
At 1st, I recommend updating AR Foundation to the latest for that version: 5.1.5 with UPM; and updating Unity to the latest patch with Archives page - 2021.3.47f1 or (and better) to 2022.3.54.
This will allow you to avoid internal bugs and follow the tutorial with the correct version of Unity and updated packages (AR Foundation stuff).
It could be easier to understand the issue when providing a screenshot or a video demo, but the tutorial is pretty straightforward.
You can also use Ready-made assets to not implement all from scratch:
thank you very much for helping me who is still a beginner and does not understand many things about this unity. Now my problem can be resolved
Please clarify, what action solves your problem?