Why does my unity not show the ads service ON and OFF switch?

Why does my unity not show the ads service ON and OFF switch?

In every video I see this ON and OFF but not in my unity, but Advertisements and Advertisement.IsReady does not work in my code, I already imported it, I already used ads mediation, I already used advertisement Legacy and nothing I’ve been at it for about 4 days, I already downloaded 3 versions of unity, there came a time when the ads in service didn’t want to appear anymore, now several things appeared, but the ON and OFF don’t appear and the ads don’t work in my project or in my code.

Below are two images, one of me and the other that I printed a video tutorial on youtube, as you can see the one in the video has ON and OFF but mine doesn’t.

Unity changes constantly and you’re on an alpha release (which you shouldn’t be if you’re not comfortable with this kind of thing not to mention all of the bugs of an alpha). If you want the interface to look the same as the tutorial’s interface you need to be using the exact same release of Unity as the tutorial.

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I’ve used several unity and that doesn’t appear, I’ve used unity 2022.1f1, 2022.16 and all of them didn’t have the ON and OFF and ads weren’t working, I have reasons not to go back much in the version such as unity hub wasn’t running very old versions of unity on my computer , but I asked the question to find out if this is a problem or if the ON and OFF moved to another place and I have to activate it , but of course I know that it has this possibility to use the same version of the video .

Thanks for the answer