Why does navmeshAgent.hasPath returns both true and false?

Hello, I have a top down 2.5D game and I’m using 2DNavmeshPlus, but I’m not exactly sure if it’s related to it.
So I’m trying to have a player follow the mouse cursor on hold.

I stripped the script to the bare minimum:


//hit 2d is this
Vector2 mousePosition = gameInput.GetMousePosition();
Ray ray = WM.cam.ScreenPointToRay(mousePosition);
hit2D = Physics2D.GetRayIntersection(ray);

The problem is when I click and hold an inaccessible area, for example inside the rectangle:

the log keeps returning both true and false. It causes the player to occasionally jitter slightly which is kinda annoying, plus I need this check for other things. I’ve tried other checks like Path status, it’s pretty much the same thing.

My question is: what’s a good way of detecting inaccessible areas on update?

Never mind, I’ve stumbled upon the solution here: Navmesh How to check if full path available? C#

I did try CalculatePath(), but I only checked the bool, it didn’t occur to me to check the path it returns.