I have a Shuriken Particle system that is rotating based on my root GameObject rather than the child object to which it’s attached and I want it to follow. This didn’t happen with the old Particle system. I could explicitly make it follow the child’s rotation, but it seems like that should not be necessary. World vs Local in Shuriken has no impact on this.
My 3rd Person character is built from the fbx of the character mesh which becomes it’s Root GameObject. I have several meshes and an Armature as children of that GameObject. Then several levels down in the bones (specifically at the Right hand), I attach whatever weapon is currently being used. The attachment point, the right hand, is a subsequent child of the spine. The spine rotates 15 degrees via camera rotation prior to moving the bottom half (legs) of the character. When the rotation of the upper body (head, gun all included in the continuous rotation) reaches 15 degrees, the bottom slowly snaps to the current rotation of the camera with a shuffle animation. This allows the player to look around a little and even shoot without rotating the direction for running, walking etc. My muzzle flash, using the old particles, would follow the spine…right hand and gun (which is a child of the hand). Shuriken only follows the top level game object when it’s transform is rotated.
The result is that that the muzzle flash fires in the direction of the 15 degree jumps the lower part of the character makes, rather than where the weapon is pointed (except for those moments where both are aligned). It’s rotation is perfect at those 15 degree intervals.
Why is this Shuriken component, placed way down the chain, moving with the top level transform and not it’s immediate parent? If it’s not supposed to be that way, I will look for my bug. But I need to know if it’s supposed to work this way prior to hacking.
I have long been using Shuriken on my vehicles and don’t have this problem with those emitters though the circumstances are not identical and there is no bone parenting involved.