(SOLVED) Why does my player keep on crashing? Every time I start the player (or at least attempt to) it instantly starts UnityCrashHandler. It also does something similar in WebGL, only it actually gets to the splash screen and gives me a javascript error (which I can’t access the log since I’m on Opera GX). I think it stops when loading MonoBleedingEdge since the “Crash!!!” part is after the line with something about MonoBleedingEdge. It’s really weird too since it works perfectly fine playing in the editor. I’m a complete beginner to this type of stuff, so please help me out here.
Edit 10/23/23
I found the problem: the kit i got for my game (Topdown 2D Starter kit by TrollBridge Studios) was causing a memory leak, and with how crappy my laptop was, it couldn’t even start. I don’t know if that also explains the js error in the web version, but I know now that I should not use that pack any more. I just restarted from scratch and I’m actually better off without that dumb kit any way. Thanks for trying to help though.
9155615–1273331–Player.txt (8.03 KB)
Can you share the dump files stored here?
C:/Users/jacob/AppData/Local/Temp/Glotega Studios/Super Unreality/Crashes
I can’t upload it because .dmp files can’t be uploaded, so here’s a mediafire link.
Does the Unity editor work on the machine where this happens? It seems something is preventing Unity from allocating executable memory. Did you try moving it out of the Downloads folder? It seems you are using AVAST anti virus, which is injecting itself in the process. Are you able to try excluding the game from it to check if that could be causing it?
Unity Editor does work on this, in fact, its the one I used to make the game. I have also tried putting it in the Documents folder, which didn’t work, but how exactly do you know where it is and what antivirus I’m using???
The dump file contains that information. You can open it in Visual Studio to inspect it.
I have tried excluding it and still nothing. For some reason, UnityCrashHandler won’t even pop up anymore (this was before excluding it) and won’t even give a log file.
I found the problem: the kit i got for my game (Topdown 2D Starter kit by TrollBridge Studios) was causing a memory leak, and with how crappy my laptop was, it couldn’t even start. I don’t know if that also explains the js error in the web version, but I know now that I should not use that pack any more. I just restarted from scratch and I’m actually better off without that dumb kit any way. Thanks for trying to help though.