Why does simple animation slow frame rate down.

I have used the Unity Animation editor (not mecanim) to do a simple animation of a radar dish ‘ping-ponging’ from left to right, animation is about 4 seconds long. I am running on an oldish imac with an admitedly poor graphics chip X1600, but if animation is switched off I am getting a 30fps steady frame rate, when I have the animation running, it goes right down to 3! fps. Is this a bug? or am I doing something wrong?

The main reason is probably your graphics chip. FPS means how many times the screen refreshes in a second. When nothing is really moving, the computer doesn’t have to work very hard at all and the frame rate is nice and high but when an animation is running, it has to think harder and so the frame rate is lower.

It probably wouldn’t be much a problem on a recent-ish computer but it is mostly about the graphics chip you have in yours. And because the computer is an iMac it could be harder to replace the graphics because Apple is all ‘integrated’.

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Thanks for the answers chaps. Sorry for the delay in replying (i have been away).
I have recently updated my mac and it has a very good video card Radeon HD 6870. Get really good frame rates with highest quality settings, but when animation is switched on drops to 4 fps.!!
Need to experiment further. Will try animating in my 3d app rather than unity animation editor and see what happens.
Will also try other animations done in Unity to check whether or not it is indeed a bug or not.

I have no errors in the console.