Why does the lighting on my model look wrong?


The lighting I setup for my scene looks different when it passes some of the edges on my model.

Any help would be cool.

In Blender, I would select all vertices in vertex-edit mode and ‘smooth normals’. It looks like your normals for those vertices are ‘hard’ normals - the normals for one polygon don’t match the normals for the polygon beside it. (The renderer uses the normal to determine where light comes from when it’s rendering, basically)

This happens because each polygon gets its own set of normals; to make smoothed objects, when two polygons share an edge, the edge vertices are assigned identical normals.

I don’t know what the ‘smooth normals’ command is in any other modeling program, but it’ll include ‘normals’ in it somewhere.

Hi Loius,

Thanks for the help.

I tried the fix. It looks better now but I can still see that edge effect happening.

I also took a picture of what I think is the new smooth command in Blender 2.5+.
It’s under shading on the menu on the left.

Did you try to not import normals in model importer view but let Unity compute them to see if the problem still happens ?