Why does the train jump?

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to make a train that follows the track, but every single time, the wheels just jump out the track without an apparent reason.

I’ve already tried to set the collision detection to Continuous Dynamic, Continuous and the default one, Discrete, but they still jump out of it.

To make it displace itself, I add a force to the wheels, with the direction of the red rays you see in the video itself.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Video’s here

Thank you,

You can take the jitters out of it by adding angular drag. Add enough and the train will just sit still. You’ll need to add more force to make it move again of course and will take some playing around to get the right balance. In fact, you might end up with a much more train like feel if you make it nice and draggy.

EDIT: I do agree with the guys above saying that physics might not be the best idea. But if you intend on crashing the train or want hills and things to affect it you’ll want to stick with physics.