Why does this coroutine freeze my game?

I’m using a coroutine to manage NPC spawns, and it seems to my eyeballs that it runs and yields correctly, but every time I run the game it freezes up after a few seconds, and disabling this coroutine results in it no longer freezing. Do I have an obvious mistake in my implementation?

void Awake(){
		StartCoroutine (managePedestrianPopulation());

	IEnumerator managePedestrianPopulation(){
		while (true) {
			SpawnPedestrian(); //Check actual population density vs. desired population density, spawn new ones if under, remove old ones if way over
			yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);

	void SpawnPedestrian(){

		if (activeSpawners.Count > 0){ 												//If there are any active spawners in the game
			int randomIndex = Random.Range (0, activeSpawners.Count);				//Select a random spawner from the list of active ones
			Transform newPedestrian = PoolManager.Pools ["Pedestrians"].Spawn (		//Pooling system: grab a pedestrian prefab from my pool and spawn it at the spawner selected above

It’s the while loop. Change it to if (or if and else). Happened to me all the time until I realized that you can only use while loops in very specific situations.

i.e. →

 if (true) {
             SpawnPedestrian(); //Check actual population density vs. desired population density, spawn new ones if under, remove old ones if way over
             yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);