Why does this raycast not work at all??

Hello, this will hopefully be a quick one.

I just want to make a raycast that detects the layers that could potentially be ceilings so that the player won’t stand up if it is touching them (so that they won’t get stuck obviously). I have a boxcast that is being used in the same script but that is using another collider, so I don’t think that is the problem. I’m always reluctant to use raycasting and this is why because I have no clue what my issue is. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

private bool hittingCeiling()
        RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(stand.bounds.center, Vector2.up, ceilingCheckDistance, ceilingLayer);
        Color rayColor;
        if (hit.collider != null)
            Debug.Log("hitting ceiling");
            rayColor = Color.green;
            rayColor = Color.red;
        Debug.DrawRay(stand.bounds.center, Vector2.up * ceilingCheckDistance);
        return hit.collider != null;

It’s pretty short but unity is acting like I’m not even calling a raycast so I’m big confused.

Physics layers are bitmasks, so if you want to check layer 8 you need to input the value 1<<8 (256)