Why does transform.position only return 0?

I’ve got a simple script attached to my camera that instantiates a game object relative to the camera transform. Why would the instantiated game object be reporting it’s position at 0,0,0 when the inspector (and viewport) says otherwise?

void Update () {
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            Instantiate(testGameObject, transform.position + transform.forward * 8, transform.rotation);


localPosition has the same problem.

Because you are logging the position of the prefab (or source go), not the one just created. Instantiate creates and returns a new object.

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So what is the usual way of getting a reference to a game object you just created?

This doesn’t work:
testGameObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(testGameObjectPrefab, transform.position + transform.forward * 8, transform.rotation);
ArgumentException: The thing you want to instantiate is null.

Wait, never mind, that works. Thanks!