I gotta ask because this is something that’s bugged me for years, it looks like somebody messed up the projection matrices math and never did anything about it?
HDRP or builtin?
I switched back to built-in due to messing around with terrain system. Them screenies I took in the arch viz thread looked fine though right?
Yeah. But with builtin, the Physical Camera is available. You should try it out.
I tried the Physical camera and it still looks the same, I did notice you can change the projection matrices so I might have a stint at that… The only logical reason I can come up with is there’s a fundamental flaw in some of the rendering basics…!
I would imagine that the reason you feel this way is due to the lighting and default fov, because that can change the situation quite a bit in terms of perception.
Can you not make the same untextured and unlit scene for both Unity and UE4 without any post at all? Just mobile unlit style so we can see if it’s just you.
No probs, I did a basic cube and sphere screeny from both of them and then did a speedtree example of both (where I noticed it most)… Only thing I left on both was temporal AA.
Screenshot of Unity looking weird as (flat) (This has a FULL post processing stack on it):
Er no. You left on ambient occlusion and IBL with grading and tonemapping in UE4 along with antialiasing, and UE4 has a more interesting IBL with cloud texture to sample from.
Pretty clear a lot of post is going on still. Nobody on any forum will ever think you ever remotely compared the same situation. Basically you turned pretty much nothing off on the UE4 one.
Basically your flatness Unity side is because:
- your skybox stinks (there isn’t one)
- need way more post, including AO
- HD does AO properly and contact shadows so it’s best to use that, but if not, then pay attention to giving Unity the same skybox, ACES, AO as UE4 to get them looking similar.
Oh c’mon hippo you’ve seen the screenshots I’ve done, I know how to set up a scene and it ain’t got jack to do with post processing… It’s nothing to do with lighting or shading, it’s the geometry dimension in 3D world view…
Here’s a basic scene set up with everything including the kitchen sink set up and it still looks flat (Unity)…
Also edit: Updated the sphere example… Just to not get lambasted here you are.! Also another edit re-uploaded the tree example… There are like four places you can set up post processing, they are ALL disabled.!!
If you compare the spheres, it seems that the shading is different (just the surface). Dont know what Unity in this scene use. Blinn or phong shading? In unreal the sphere surface doesnt looks that hard, where the sunny side and the shadow side meets.
Unity does indeed look flat if you simply place a cube and two spheres on the scene.
When you bake it, add a propper skybox and use the Post Processing Stack correctly, it’s a totally different story.
Also, yes - Unreal is easier when it comes to graphics. In Unity, you have to download the Post Processing Stack and mess around with it but honestly it’ll take you like 2 minutes to download. Baking is also important.
If you want to see my lighting settings, Post Processing Stack settings, etc, you can message me.
Yep, used Unity since around 4.1X… Yours still looks flat, especially around the sphere’s… I’m not talking shading or lighting I’m taking depth perception.
Maybe I need new glasses I dunno, anyway it’s not the first time I’ve asked in the last half decade and it seems it’ll remain a mystery.
What do you mean by “Flat” then? If I didn’t include Unity’s interface and said that I made that in Unreal, everyone would believe lol
To me at least objects appear like they’re in a slightly orthographic projection and I’ve only ever noticed it from Unity… It’s worse with some objects than others, I have literally tore the think apart from grass roots and never really got to the bottom of it…
Never bothered to write my own rendering solution from the ground up though… Seems like a waste of time.
Unity uses a vertical FOV with a default of 90 degrees for the scene view and 60 for the default game view camera.
Unreal uses a horizontal FOV with a default of 90 degrees for the default game view camera. I’m not sure about the scene view, but I think it’s around 120.
This is probably the difference you are seeing. If you match the resolution and horizontal FOV between the two engines they will render unlit objects identically. Everything else comes down to post process and lighting calculations.
I already know that and I’d be happy if that was the issue, but it’s not it looks the same irrelevant of FOV…
I thought by this stage I might understand exactly what you mean by flat, but I really dont.
I suppose we could try a totally different approach.
Do any of the fancy Unity demos of recent years look flat or not flat to you? eg any of the Adam ones, Book of The Dead, older stuff like Blacksmith or the Courtyard GI demo?
Just looked at book of the dead again, this main issue it’s not always apparent… We’re absolutely fine until we hit the forest scene at 0:55 seconds then BAM.! Tree’s look like they’re 2D sprites.
I’ve never seen it outside of Unity, ever.!
I’ll just say though, I’m not doing this to cause a ruckus. In 2013 I released a beta of an RPG and I got this feedback from a couple of testers… As soon as I noticed I’ve not been able to unsee it.!
It was on my to fix list and I honestly wondered if others had come across it and was like yeah, I did X/Y/Z…!
Then I think what you’re seeing is a combination of Unreal’s better baked lighting and AO systems (which don’t require post process), and the default tonemapper which takes some work to fully disable.
Otherwise @hippocoder 's early response seems accurate.