Why doesn't an object appear on both screens? (Unity networking)

#pragma strict
import UnityEngine.Networking;
class Queue extends NetworkBehaviour
var Car : GameObject;
var queueing : boolean;
var timer : GameObject;
var manager : GameObject;
function Start ()
timer = GameObject.Find(“GlobalTimer”);
manager = GameObject.Find(“NetworkManager”);

function Update () 
				queueing = !queueing;

		if(queueing == true && timer.GetComponent(RaceTimer).starting == true)


	function CmdSpawn()
			var c = Instantiate(Car);

That’s my script but when I spawn the car , it doesn’t appear on both screens nor does it think it’s a “localplayer”? Any help?

I really can’t tell what is the problem, because there might be some, but I am sure that video will help you if you do and check every step made in this video.

From what I can tell by the code it seems that possibly your destroying the gameobject of the Car that your wanting on the network.
What happens when you don’t destroy the gameobject?