Why doesn't childing a gameobject to GridLayoutGroup at runtime align it properly?

I’m trying to instantiate buttons inside of a grid layout group at runtime, and my assumption is that object.SetParent(grid,false) will automatically position each button with the correct cell spacing:

public GameObject buttonPrefab;

public override void MenuEnabled()
    GridLayoutGroup myGridLayoutGroup = GetComponentInChildren<GridLayoutGroup>();

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        GameObject tempObj = Instantiate(buttonPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);            
        tempObj.transform.SetParent(myGridLayoutGroup.transform, false);                       

This all looks fine to me, and these objects do spawn and child themselves to my grid, but they don’t align to its cells: every single button’s local transform remains at vector3.zero. A quick google seems to show everyone else doing it the same way I am, is there some kind of initialization I’m missing which instructs the grid layout group to properly orient its new child?

Well I currently have a grid layout and im also instantiating at runtime.
This is what I have done:

My code looks like this:

GameObject NewFood = (GameObject)Instantiate(MainControl.instance.FoodItemPrefab, FoodItemsScrollView.transform, false);

The scrollview transform is the GameObject shown in the picture