Why Game Frames per second drops to almost zero on SurfacePro?

Hello everybody,

I’m working on a game for surfacePro, using the UWP platform.

The game is developed on Windows 10 and Unity3D.
In the editor the Frame rate is ~200fps.

When I build using Visual Studio 2017, and play the build on the standalone, the frame rate drops to ~40fps.

When I sideload and play the game on the SurfacePro the frame rate drops even more, to ~2fps.

I’ve checked possible solutions, such as make static objects static, and bake lights, and switch to box collider instead of meshCollider.

I use a onMouseDrag() method in 10 scripts. Maybe this makes the fps drop?

Please help.

Hi @xxmariofer basically when you use UWP, you build the .sln file from unity, then you open and build the .sln file from visual studio and create the .appx also from visual studio. Im a bit surprised you said that so maybe theres another way.
I dont use .adb for UWP platform