Why Gizmos.DrawIcon can not tint color.

I am draw a icon in OnDrawGizmos function like this:

Gizmos.color = this.Color;
Gizmos.DrawIcon(transform.position, "My Gizmo");

But the color has no effect, how can I draw an icon gizmo just like Light component, can tint the icon color with light color?

I still can not find a proper way to draw a icon, and it can controlled in editor

Is there any one know this, to draw a gizmo with tint color.

I find this but it still not working. Draw a quad is not control by the gizmo control tool in SceneView, which control whether to show specify type of gizmo, and the 3D icon size.

The Gizmos.DrawIcon() only receive a file name, I even can not dynamic create a Texture2D and tint the texture by code.
I hope the Unity can give me more API, I can implement the Gizmos just like the buildint Light component, to tint the gizmos color.

So there still no any solution for draw an icon gizmo with tint color?

Still no solution. I guess this is only rarely needed…

But the unity use tint color icon for light gizmo. So I think there must be an API somewhere…

same problem, but there seems no answer

Gizmos.DrawGUITexture? You can even give it an entire material and border.

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It works :slight_smile:

There is a Gizmos.DrawIcon() method where you can pass a tint color. Works in 2021.1.19 but it isn’t mentioned in the documentation…

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