Unity, I purchase many assets from your store only to find that some have been depreciated without warning.
Obviously, no one is happy to buy an asset only to find it has been depreciated during development and to not know if I should continue to use that asset, as doing so could be damaging. I have purchased these assets under your trust and so it is important to know that it remains that way after the purchase has been completed.
When an asset gets depreciated, I would like to know the reason why it has been depreciated so that I can continue to feel safe when using that publisher’s assets. e.g., Is the developer no longer on the store? Has the asset been depreciated for a newer version? Has the asset been found to use illegal content? Is the asset deemed unsafe to use? Is the asset under investigation? Is the asset no longer supported, but safe to use? etc.
My point is I would appreciate knowing why a purchased asset has become depreciated within the package manager, rather than find out through word of mouth, so that I can remain safe while using the assets I purchased from the Unity asset store.
Thank you!