Why has the ability to create learner brains etc. inside unity dissapeared?

Hey guys! I just started using unity for machine learning and following a bunch of tutorials online. Most of these tutorials are from 2018 where it was possible to go create → ML agents → Learning Brain (and Player Brain etc.)

Why has this option been removed?

I can still create my own agent script but I miss being able to easily control things like timescale etc. from the inspector like shown below.


Also being able to have easy acces to the actions from the inspector:

I hope you can help :slight_smile:

Best Regards, Axel

Hi Axel,

Please check out our Migrating Guide to learn about how each new version has changed things: ml-agents/docs/Migrating.md at main · Unity-Technologies/ml-agents · GitHub.

In a number of cases we have actually improved the experience and flexibility quite a bit, but of course it does require some re-learning. As we get closer to the 1.0 release of ML-Agents, we will be ensuring that guides like the ones you used to originally learn ML-Agents are all up to date.

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Thank you!