Why I am getting JSON error during the query of Internet Time?

I have a script which I use to get the time from the internet, but the Coroutine, I use sometimes succed, but sometimes I get an error, and I can’t find out what’s cause it. Maybe you guys can help me.

Here’s the script.

  public static WorldTime Instance;
    private void Awake()
        if(Instance == null)
            Instance = this;
    struct TimeData
        public string datetime;

    const string API_URL = "http://worldtimeapi.org/api/ip";
    public IEnumerator GetRealDateTimeFromAPIOnStart()
        UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(API_URL);
        Debug.Log("Getting real datetime...");
        TimeReady = false;
        yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();
        if (webRequest.isNetworkError)
            Debug.Log("Encountered Error, trying again");
            TimeData timeData = JsonUtility.FromJson<TimeData>(webRequest.downloadHandler.text);
            currentTime = ParseDataTime(timeData.datetime);
            TimeNow = currentTime;
            TimeReady = true;
            Scene scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
            if(scene.name == "Menu")
                StartDiffernce = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            else if (scene.name == "TheFarm")
                Time.timeScale = 1;
            //text.text = currentDateTime.ToString() + "

" + TimeNow.ToString() + "
" + difference.ToString() + "
" + difference.TotalSeconds.ToString();
private DateTime currentTime;
public DateTime currentDateTime;
public DateTime TimeNow;
public float StartDiffernce;
public TimeSpan difference;
public bool TimeReady = false;
DateTime ParseDataTime(string datatime)
string separate;
separate = datatime.Split(‘T’);
string date = separate[0];
string time = separate[1];
separate = time.Split(‘.’);
time = separate[0];

        return DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} {1}", date, time));

    public void GettingTimeStart()

And sometimes I get this error:

“ArgumentException: JSON parse error: Invalid value.
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson (System.String json, System.Type type) (at <0b59f3b614a04547a8bf657de1e23f2c>:0)
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson[T] (System.String json) (at <0b59f3b614a04547a8bf657de1e23f2c>:0)
WorldTime+d__4.MoveNext () (at Assets/WorldTime.cs:63)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <42a5878ce129403083acccf18e43363f>:0)”

I checked out that endpoint in my browser ans refreshed a few times and got this message

Seems there is a rate limit.

You need to make sure that the request was successful before trying to parse the json. The api returns a 503 status code when it’s unavailable.

Then you can retry the request after a timeout.