Why I am getting this error

Hello there, on this website-

Recently, I posted a query on this website= https://discussions.unity.com/t/analyzing-the-role-of-ai-in-game-development/1576009/1

After few minutes, It is showing " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private." I got a notification that left me disappointed :frowning_face: as it shows my content is hidden. I do not know what is the reason behind it but I did not do anything wrong that violate community guideline. As a professional, I respect community guideline and make useful contribution to help community members. As my query is genuine & I really need a quick solution to that and I don’t think there is better platform than this to solve my query.
Kindly have a look at my post and make it live again.
Thank you :pray: for your time and attention to this matter.

We can’t view your post either. Perhaps it was simply posted to the wrong section or with incorrect tags?

But from the looks of the title “analyzing the role of ai in game development” it could simply be too broad a topic for a Unity discussion.

Also, the subject sounds awfully like something AI would generate. Any post that is seemingly AI generated will be flagged as spam.

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