Why I cannot use project asset not from the hiearchy

It’s pretty simple. I don’t want to put my ammunition or rocket in the world… I would like to specify a projectile ( named rocket ) directly from my project view. But unity won’t let me do it. It will only let me do it if I put in the hiearchy. But I don’t want or don’t know yet how to handle those kind of ammunition ( they explode when falling down bla bla. and if the rocket die… i cannot fire anymore )

Can you help me please ?

  1. Go to your project, and click create > new prefab
  2. Drag the projectile you have in your heirarcy onto the new prefab
  3. Rename the prefab as you like
  4. Drag the prefab from the project folder onto the variable in your script that was previously pointing to the projectile in the hierarchy
  5. Delete the projectile that was in the hierarchy

Following these steps will create (and link to) a prefab in the project folder that can be pointed to like any object in the scene/heirarchy