why I can't disable depth and stencil texture on ios devices

I already disable Depth and Stencil at resolution and presentation, but it seemed not work.

Are you creating this temporary RenderTexture yourself? If so, what is the depthBufferBits value of the descriptor?

I’m not create it.
1.create a new unity project
2.disable depth and stencil
3.export to xcode project and run.
4.capture a gpu frame and see the graph, you can find the depth and stencil texture

Just tried doing that on a new project - the RenderTarget is color-only and the setting works as intended. Though it seems in your case, from looking at the xcode’s render graph, that depth/stencil is being used in the following render passes (which is pretty usual practice when using Post-Processing) which makes sense why depth/stencil is still created even with the setting enabled

@Jonas_Sid I am also seeing the depth and stencil in my iOS project. Even though I have the setting turned off. We are not doing any post processing. Any ideas?