Why I get "Unable to start Oculus XR Plugin" warning?

Hi guys,
Why this shows up?
Oculus XR Plugin and Oculus Integration are installed. my Quest 2 is connected with a link cable and an OVRCameraRig is setup in the scene. But when I press play in the editor, the game won’t start on my headset.

Thank you in advance.

Have you made sure you have enabled link on the headset? You might also want to check the Oculus app to make sure you have enabled the ‘Unknown Sources’ setting enabled, otherwise it will not open.

The two things that you mentioned are enabled. But sometimes I still get this warning…

have you figured out the issue? It’s not just a warning, it actually won’t allow the project to run, I reinstall oculus XR, restart, create a new project, etc, still, the project won’t show up on the headset while the Link is working correctly, any suggestion?

I am currently having the same problem. I am using:
XR PluginManagement 4.2.1
Oculus XR Plugin 1.11.2
Oculus Integration 37.0,

When putting the OVRCameraRig into an empty scene and starting into playmode with quest 2 attached via cable and oculus link running the warning shows up and the quest stays in the link menu. Building the application and deploying to the quest 2 works just fine. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

this has happened to me as id toggle the following setting for different builds, but make sure that in “edit/project settings/XR Plug-in management”, you have “initialize xr on startup” checked, as well as “oculus”. if youre trying to run on your PC via link, make sure the above mentioned checkboxes are marked in the PC tab, not just android.

Same problem here.

I had exactly the same problem guys and this was my solution: I had no idea that the oculus quest must be in quest link, no only connect the cable. Try go in Quest link mode and try run unity project.

Did anyone find any solution for this bug?
Because of this warning, I am not able to load the project on the quest link.
Any help is appriciated.

For me it was a setting in the Oculus app. (not MQDH). Settings/General then OpenXRRuntime then click on Set Oculus as Active

@AdamBebkoFV wow… this is work for me. thanks!!!

Hey I am unable to set the OpenXR Runtime as active
When I click on it nothing happens

Please tell how to solve this?

@mastermind07 I have the same issue.

For me the solution is to set the Playmode OpenXR Runtime to Oculus in the XR PluginManagement Settings for OpenXR.

Feels a bit weird to set something for the OpenXR Plugin while actually using the Oculus Plugin but this way I can use the playmode in editor and run it on the quest 2 via link cable.

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Thank you!!!
Worked for me!

This work for me