Why InputField is selfactivating while moving?

How to fix InputField selfactivating? I build a simple chat and everything works fine till my player starts moving with WASD because my chatInput is selfactivating after few seconds and starts input wasd to chat… What’s the problem?

private int count = 1;
[SerializeField] private List<Message> messageList = new List<Message>();
[SerializeField] private int maxMessages = 25;

private string message;

public GameObject chatPanel;
public GameObject textObject;
public InputField chatInput;
 public InputField chatInput;
    void Update()
        if (chatInput.text != "" && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return))
                chatInput.text = "";
            if(!chatInput.isFocused && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return))
public void SendMessageToChat(string text)
    if (messageList.Count >= maxMessages)

    Message newMessage = new Message();
    newMessage.text = text;

    GameObject newText = Instantiate(textObject, chatPanel.transform);

    newMessage.textObject = newText.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
    newMessage.textObject.text = newMessage.text;
    Image image = newText.GetComponentInChildren<Image>();
    if (count == 1)
        image.color = Color.green;
        count = 2;
        image.color = Color.magenta;
        count = 1;

I don’t think it is self-activating. Your script above is activating it because that Update() runs always unless you disable the above script.

But don’t believe me: just sprinkle Debug.Log() calls in your code above and find out for sure.

If that’s not it, keep putting Debug.Log() calls around, because I doubt it is self-activating.

So i added


And in console got only once “Activating” when i’m pressing enter and when i run and my InputField activates it don’t print second time Activating.

I even added


when deactivating and in situation like that got only one Activating print and 2 Deactivating prints when i send second message from selfactivating.

It’s first time im using InputField ever and first time in project.

You could try making a blank scene with an InputField object and no other scripts whatsoever, run it and then press the buttons you say are making it become active… does it become active?

There may be a requirement for you to explicitly defocus it from the EventSystem, something like setting this property to null to prevent it consuming events:

Just guessing really… reading the docs on this stuff only gets you so far; you gotta experiment!

Did you ever figure this out? I am having the exact same issue


For anyone in the future, including me, I fixed this by setting the “Navigation” on the TextMeshPro Input Field to “None”