When you add a GameObject in the Editor to a Scene(Menu>>GameObject>>Create Other>>XYZ) it is never on Position 0,0,0 ! You always need to correct that by hand in the Inspector.
So whats the reason for that behavior and how to avoid it, and add the GO always to Position 0,0,0 ?
Thanks GameGuy
In new versions of Unity, since Unity 2020.2, they finally added an option to enable this behaviour (initial empty object position at (0, 0, 0)).
In the Unity Editor, open the Preferences window (Edit → Preferences)
Go to the ‘Scene View’ tab then in the ‘General’ section, click on ‘Create Objects at Origin’ and voilà.
If you don’t have this option because you’re working with an old version, you can still download the plug-in I published : Empty At Zero Creator | Utilities Tools | Unity Asset Store
I think it creates them near where the camera is. The idea being that if you’re working on a bit of a scene that is nowhere near the origin (0,0,0) then creating a game object should create it near where you’re working.