Why is "Domain Reload" sooo slow, and will this ever be fixed?


I’m not sure if this will help, but I noticed a change in compile times and behavior after introducing Play Mode tests into my Unity project.
When creating test scripts, Unity automatically creates an assembly definition, which seemed to increase compile times.
Additionally, Unity started compiling twice: once after any script changes and again after hitting the ‘Play’ button but before actually entering Play Mode.

However, after restarting both the Unity Editor and Rider, the compile times returned to normal.
It’s possible that restarting helped to resolve temporary issues related to script compilation and assembly definitions.

What is the situation of this isue? Are Unity people actively working on this or is this one of those things that will never get fixed? Because this is seriously affecting my workflow. It has become unbearable to do any work with Unity.

This find is very interesting, I will try this. Altough those secondary times still seem a bit high. I hope people at Unity sees this. But again who knows if they are genuinely working on it or not.

Is this being worked on? Why is no one from unity responding to this?

I have a fairly light project, but I did see a big improvement just by rebooting my computer. I usually put my computer into sleep mode and don’t reboot often, but since I started rebooting more often, domain loads are ~7 seconds instead of 30.