Why is GetComponent returning null when trying to fetch a script from a GameObject?

I have a problem where an object - the Trader dialog - is returning null when I call GetComponent(); on it and I can’t work out why. The only thing I could find is that the Start method of the dialog is called after GetComponent, however I changed the Execution Order to ensure it was called before and this did not resolve. I also can’t see what would make it behave differently to the other three.

I’m unsure where else to go with trouble shooting this and would appreciate input either on how I can resolve my issue or on better ways to implement this solution. If the code below isn’t enough I can share specific parts or provide the repo via GitHub.

A brief overview of the organisation is that in my scene I have a manager object (Farm) and multiple UI dialogs (UIDialog) that are variants of a prefab. The Farm script initialises the values to apply to the dialogs in its Awake function and then applies them to the dialogs in the Start function.


public class Farm : MonoBehaviour
    Ledger ledger;
    Trader trader;
    int turnCount;
    void Awake()
        this.ledger = new Ledger();
        this.trader = new Trader(ledger);
    GameObject InitDialog(string name, IButtonLister buttonLister)
        GameObject dialogObj = GameObject.Find(name);
        if (dialogObj == null)
            Debug.LogError("missing dialog: " + name);
            return null;
        UIDialog dialog = dialogObj.GetComponent<UIDialog>();
        if (dialog == null)
            print(name + ": where's the dialog????");
        } else if (buttonLister != null && buttonLister.Buttons != null)
            dialog.buttonLister = buttonLister;
        return dialogObj;
    void Start()
        GameObject tcObject = GameObject.Find("GameInfo/TurnCount/Text");
        turnCount = tcObject.GetComponent<Text>();

        InitDialog("Trader", trader);
        InitDialog("Ledger", ledger);
        InitDialog("Field", null);
        InitDialog("Turn", null);


public class Trader : IButtonLister
    List<Contract> availableContracts = new List<Contract>();
    public List<IButton> Buttons { get { return availableContracts.Cast<IButton>().ToList(); } }
    Ledger ledger;
    public Trader(Ledger ledger)
        this.ledger = ledger;


public class UIDialog : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject pfButton;
    public GameObject list;
    public GameObject closeButton;
    public Text closeText;
    public Text title;
    public IButtonLister buttonLister {get; set;}
    void Awake()
        var button = transform.Find("Panel/CloseButton").GetComponent<Button>();
        button.onClick.AddListener(() => HidePanel());
    public void HidePanel()
    public void ShowPanel()
        if (buttonLister != null)
    public void SetButtons(List<IButton> lib)
        if (lib == null) { return; }
        foreach (Transform child in list.transform)
        foreach (IButton button in lib)
            GameObject b = Instantiate(pfButton);
            Text t = b.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>();
            t.text = button.Name;
            if (button.Desc != null && button.Desc != "")
                t.text += "

" + button.Desc;

            Button cButton = b.GetComponent<Button>();
            cButton.onClick.AddListener(() => button.OnClick());
            cButton.onClick.AddListener(() => HidePanel());

The issue was that I had two objects named Trader and wasn’t specifying the hierarchy in Find.

The correct call should have been GameObject.Find("/Trader").