Why is MonoBehaviour.OnDidApplyAnimationProperties undocumented?

MonoBehaviour.OnDidApplyAnimationProperties is extremely useful and it took me ages to find it in a forum thread.

Is there a good reason why it is still undocumented? Is it set to be removed in future versions?



Bump to this old thread - looks to still be working in 2019.3.4f.

Working well for me for my current use case. Curious as to why it is undocumented now too.

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@Mecanim-Dev , any insight?


Same question here… so weird why this is not part of the doc! Right now everybody just keeps checking for value changes on Update… Such of waste of resources for nothing…

I’m also looking for an answer on this.

Still curious… it can be very useful, if you don’t want to jam too much into LateUpdate.

Unity, c’mon! This has been around for years and it’s still undocumented.


Seems it was back in the old days : Unity - Scripting API: UI.Graphic.OnDidApplyAnimationProperties

Bump this thread. Should I use it or not? Is it a stable API? Is there an “official” way to notify a component that its values have been changed by animation?

Would be really cool to have an answer.

Until then, I’m doing both. I’m checking for value change in LateUpdate, but also directly changing the value and cached value using OnDidApplyAnimationProperties