I am using Unity 3.5.6f4 and building to Android. The final apk size is 66.5 MB, yet in the editor log, it is showing a complete size of only 30.8 MB:
Textures 22.2 mb 72.2%
Meshes 280.8 kb 0.9%
Animations 0.0 kb 0.0%
Sounds 1.7 mb 5.5%
Shaders 89.7 kb 0.3%
Other Assets 1.9 mb 6.1%
Levels 294.7 kb 0.9%
Scripts 205.6 kb 0.7%
Included DLLs 3.8 mb 12.3%
File headers 317.0 kb 1.0%
Complete size 30.8 mb 100.0%
What could be causing the file size to be more than twice the size it says in the editor log?
For comparison, my last project had a complete size of 325 MB, yet the apk was only 24.MB. Why the huge discrepancy?
Thanks for your help!